Honeywell P532
Model P532 Signal Processors are Fail – Safe, Self Checking Signal Processors Capable of Monitoring Two S55XBE and One S70X Series Viewing Heads Simultaneously and Can Display UV and IR Flame Count Separately when used with S550BE Viewing Head.
The Processors Offer Independent Gain Adjustments, and for S552BE and S550BE, Multiple Frequency Settings. P532 are Ideally Suited for Tangentially Fired Boilers Where Two Viewing Heads are Required for Main Burner and S70X for Side or Horn Igniters.

- Models Available in AC (P532AC) or DC (P532DC) Input Voltage
- Front Panel Display with Large, Bright, Three – Colour Alphanumeric Dot Matrix Displays with LED’s
- Seven Front Panel LED Status Indicators
- Capable of Monitoring Up to 3 Viewing Heads Simultaneously with Independent Flame Relay and Common Fault Relay Contacts Output
- Automatic Viewing Head Detection and Error Detection
- Ability to Monitor UV and IR Separately from One S550BE Viewing Head
- Each Viewing Head can be Associated with Two Sets of Configuration Data (Primary or Alternate).
- Automatic Set Up Functionality (Auto Gain, Auto Sequence and Auto Filter)
- Marginal Alarm Relays can be Configured to Provide a Secondary Indication if the Flame Count Drops Below a Set Value
- Viewing Head Temperature Indication (Except with S70X)
- Modbus RS422 Communication for use with FLAMETOOLS – PC or FLAMETOOLS – HMI/U Supports 64 Loops and 32 Loops, Respectively
- Primary Input Power for AC Models is 85 to 264 VAC, 47 or 63 Hz with 24 VDC Backup Power
- Primary Input Power for DC Models is 24 VDC with 24 VDC Backup Power
- Ambient Temperature: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) for FM or 32°F to 125°F ( 0°C to 52°C) for CSA
- Flame Relay: 3 Channels of 2 Form C Contacts
- Self – Checking Relay: 3 Channels of 1 Form C Contact
- Relay Contact Ratings: 5A at 32 VDC and 250 VAC
- Analog Flame Signal: Scalable 0 mA to 20 mA Output for Remote Meters
- Auto Burner Configuration for Burner On/Off
- Adjustable Flame On/Off Threshold Set Point
- Adjustable FFRT 1, 2, or 3 Seconds
- All Fuels
- Single and Multiple Burner Boilers
- Sulfur Recovery Unit
- Power/Utility Boilers
- Black Liquor Recovery Boilers
- Grate Fired Boilers
- Cement, Lime and Material Drying Kilns
- Duct Burners
- Hydrogen Burners
- Mixed Fuel Burners
P532AC – Signal Processor
P532DC – Signal Processor