Uniscan IP65

Uniscan Ex d IIC

Uniscan Power Supply
The Uniscan is a Fail-Safe Self Check Flame Monitor and Amplifier Mounted in One Enclosure, Suitable for Gas or Oil, Pilot or Main Flame Monitoring. The Techniques Used for Discrimination and Fail Safety are Unique and are covered by UK Patent No. 2131585 and US Patent No. 4540886
The IRIS Uniscan Flame Monitor has been Developed to Satisfy the Process Heater and Smaller Utilities Market, where the Sophisticated Discrimination Techniques are Not Required. The Uniscan however, Offers certain Adjustments, for Discrimination Purposes and Flame Drop Out Time.
The Unique Feature of the System is that all the Electronics are Situated in the Viewing Head ‑ Thus Saving Valuable Panel Space and Expensive Special Cabling. As the Power Regulation within the System is Capable of a Wide Operating Voltage Range, 18 V to 27 V; Losses Due to Long Cable Runs to the Boiler Front have Little Effect on the Performance of the System.